My opinion on Saving CBGB

I am against destroying the building, but I don’t care if CBGB closes. Sometimes I want it to close when I see ads for products and events claiming to raise funds for it’s survival. None of them are very convincing. That’s the reason you never saw me mention the ‘Save CBGB’ chocolate bar. That’s the reason I posted information about the “Nike Run Hit Wonder Tour” in Central Park, but didn’t even bother to post again when I found out it was a “run for CBGB.”

Jersey Beat said it nicely: “The ad in the Village Voice doesn’t say what the money raised by the race will go towards… CB’s escalated rent? Bribes to the landlord? Hilly’s 401K?”

If rock stars want to save CBGB, they should just SAVE IT. Give lots of money. Play lots of shows. Fire the owner. No NIKE runs. No chocolate bars.

Gawker: Save CBGB, One Shin Splint at a Time
