
"Coachella is a Festival of Disease and Sin. Your Children Most Likely Will Die."

backstage @ Coachella 2011

According to

Coachella is a concert event for neo hippies, naked beer drinkers and drug addicts. Each year the event grows in numbers and so do its cases of rape, murder and cases of teenage runways. No were else are so many drugs taken, orgies performed and victimaztion of America’s young daughters…

….Why Your Children Will Most Likely Die

With the amount of drugs and rape, your daughter or son has a large chance of dying from a drug overdose, alcohol poisoning, sex game gone wrong accident or be murdered by a Ecstasy induced wizard.

Just remember the chance of your baby contracting a STD during Coachella is increased by 86 percent -/+ 1. Also, if you daughter is at the festival already, there is a good chance she has already performed mouth sex acts on atleast 4 people and has shown off her milk sacs to an uncountable number. Now imagine if you could stop that?”

Phew, I’m happy I’m safe at home, just watching the stream, away from naked ecstasy wizards and whatnot!

NOTE: the above picture is an actual photo taken backstage at Coachella 2011 by devil-worshiping “darkwave” band Cold Cave. It seems to confirm everything written about Coachella in the article linked above. Be careful in California this weekend sinners! And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend, would you be sure and and tell her SATAN, SATAN, SATAN, SATAN, SATAN….