Moby says Teany not Shutting Down (or is it or something)

contrary to some of the rumors that are floating around, teany isn’t being shut down. we are going to close for a few weeks to revamp and re-model, but we’re not shutting down. thanks for your interest, and happy new year.
moby and kelly

>BUT, Gothamist updated their post again with this: “Jen: Spoke to Kelly Tisdale who said that teany will ‘possibly’ reopen. If that happens, it will be within a month, but it will not be under the same management (however, Kelly will still be there). She added that the tea beverage operation (that she and Moby are partners are in) is still going exist and that everything that’s online is still available.”

AND Newday, who cited Gothamist and quoted AM New York, wrote, “Co-owner Kelly Tisdale told amNewYork that they are ‘closing based on money issues,’ and once they sit down and rework the budget they hope to reopen within the month. ‘We’ll still be called Teany and we’ll still be based on tea,’ she said.

AND the NY Times says something about it too.


In related news, Moby on TV at NYC Vegan pizza shop (via Curbed)
