Robert Christgau on CBGB & New Orleans & History

“From the moment the eviction threats started, the notion that CBGB should be preserved in amber tripped my nostalgia alarm, which is tuned so fine it goes off after two notes by Solomon Burke. But I love CB’s as I’ve never loved any other joint, and didn’t look forward to pointing out in print, as Pareles did, that it hadn’t broken a significant act in decades—or adding, as Pareles didn’t, that even if CBGB could sidestep rent inflation in its once scuzzy ‘hood, the young bohos who make bands go could not. Once the focus of a geographical scene, it can never be more than the symbol of a sensibility.” [Village Voice]

Summerstage Hurricane Benefit Reviews
CBGB’s Gay Presence: A Queer Rocker Remembers
Man with Cat on head @ the CBGB Rally NYC | pics
