
Deerhoof @ Bowery Ballroom & the Byrne-Bowie-Reed factor

What if, in addition to showing up, David Bowie, David Byrne and/or Lou Reed actually joined in and played? And what about Sufjan? Those are the questions I asked myself after reading the below excerpt from Nick Sylvester’s Deerhoof review….

David BowieDavid ByrneLou ReedSufjan Stevens

Hey, since Bowie got a mention for getting snubbed at the Arctic Monkeys show, this seems a good time to unveil a heretofore secret blogger cheatsheet used to determine how great a concert must have based on which celebrity rockers were in attendance. Don’t tell the other blogs I told you this:

When David Bowie shows up: pretty awesome
David Bowie + David Byrne: still pretty awesome
David Bowie + David Byrne + Lou Reed: you are at the Donnas
Lou Reed: backstage at the Donnas


The rest of Nick Sylvester’s Deerhoof Bowery Ballroom show review at the Village Voice.
