
statue of Satan made for the Oklahoma Capitol building rules

by Wyatt Marshall

(photo via Vice)
hail satan

In 2012, Oklahoma State Representative Mike Ritze paid to have a statue of the Ten Commandments placed outside the state Capitol. Usually that would be a no-no due to the separation of church and state, but the donation was considered OK as he paid for it with his own money. Seeing open season for religious monuments at the Oklahoma Capitol, The Satanic Temple — prominent proponents of the First Amendment — announced it would donate a monument of The Evil One to the capitol building.

The Satanic Temple (who last year tried to adopt a highway in New York City) started an Indiegogo campaign hoping to raise $20,000 to pay for a statue, and, according to Vice, the campaign ended up raising nearly $30,000. The Satanic Temple then hired a classically trained sculptor to make a statue, and it totally rules. Behold and hail. Unfortunately, any chance for the statue to land in front of the Oklahoma State Capitol are stalled while an ACLU suit against the placement of the Ten Commandments statue is resolved.

According to Vice, who spoke with Satanic Temple spokesman Lucian Greaves, the Temple wants to cast a mold so they can make as many copies of the statue they want. You can buy Satan gear at The Satanic Temple’s website and, Vice writes, the profits go towards funding the completion of the statue.