Sex Pistols

Google Shopping's "gun" ban blocks you from searching "Sex Pistols"

Given the heightened debate about gun control, internet users have been noticing just how strict the filtering is if you search gun-related items on Google Shopping (the website actually banned weapon listings back in 2012 so that part isn’t exactly news). As Business Insider points out, searches such as Guns N Roses and Sex Pistols are being denied by the search engine. Since the Business Insider article went up, it looks like you can actually now search for Guns N Roses merchandise, but as the screenshot above proves, Sex Pistols is still a no no. Here’s what Business Insider wrote:

Google is trying to crack down on people shopping for firearms on its website — with some bizarre results.

As of Tuesday afternoon, Google Shopping does not allow customers to search for “guns” in any form.

That means searches for things like “water guns” and “Guns N Roses” merchandise result in a notification that the search “did not match any shopping results.”

“Bubble guns,” “glue guns,” and “Sex Pistols” also did not produce results when Business Insider searched with those terms. Searches for things such as “gun cabinet,” “gun cleaning kit,” and “gun holsters” also did not produce results.

Pro tip: just search “Nevermind the Bollocks” and you can still find everything from Sex Pistols mugs to Sex Pistols baby onesies.