Randy Blythe kazoo protest
photo via @gwooki

Lamb of God's Randy Blythe led kazooists against the Westboro Baptist Church (watch)

As promised, Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe led a crew of costumed, kazoo-wielding people in a “counter-party” against the Westboro Baptist Church at Richmond, VA’s Virginia State Capitol on Monday (3/11). The WBC, who were protesting the election of Danica Roem, the nation’s first openly transgender state representative (and vocalist in thrash metal band Cab Ride Home) were no match for the kazooists, who significantly outnumbered them both in group size and volume.

Dan Argott, who directed Lamb of God’s As the Palaces Burn, was in attendance to document the proceedings. Until that footage surfaces, plenty of people on social media shared video from the event, which you can watch below.