
we are experiencing technical difficulties....

The website server host performed an upgrade on the server and some things aren’t working right now. In case you see an error or a page doesn’t load, you know why…

cops bust up Adam Green party, 8-or-so people arrested

Cops showed up twice at the show happening in Sunset Park on Friday night (June 13, 2008). Frankpollis was about to go on around 2am. That’s when the cops showed up for the 2nd time…

the Ting Tings - didn't play my party, are in NYC, touring

the Ting Tings @ SXSW 2008 (CRED) Yes, the flyer you saw on this site, on MySpace, in emails and elsewhere said that the Ting Tings were playing the free BrooklynVegan party this past Thursday morning at 11:30 am (early, I know)…

still fixing things. still moving slow.

You may still be experiencing technical difficulties. was just upgraded to new software, and we’re still working the bugs out of the new system – slowly, but surely (and slightly at the expense of sleep and new content…

you may be experiencing technical difficulties

As some have noticed, this website is going through a little trouble right now. You might recognize the phrase “Internal Server Error”. It’s a recurring problem that makes me want to cry – often leading to less sleep and more gray hair…