The New Yorker

That's Sad13 (and Thursday) on the cover of the New Yorker

Nicole Rifkin’s cover illustration also features shoutouts to Death by Audio and Shea Stadium.

Pitchfork owner Conde Nast putting all titles behind paywalls

Condé Nast plans to move all its titles behind paywalls by the end of 2019, although the details of those paywalls may differ by site and are still to be determined.

Palisades is featured on the cover of The New Yorker's "Entertainment Issue"

Small Brooklyn music venues everywhere can be proud today as one of their own finally made it big. Bushwick venue Palisades (and it’s infamous view-impeding support pole) is featured on the cover of the just-out “Entertainment Issue” of The New Yorker magazine The cover illustration, titled “Closing Set,” is by artist R. Kikuo Johnson, who told the […]

Bring a toy to Santos Party House tonight/Thursday

DOWNLOAD: Tommy Dorsey – March of the Toys (MP3)

Indie rock, race, Arcade Fire, Will Butler & Sasha Frere

Will (not Win who is pictured above) Butler responded to Sasha Frere-Jones’ article about race and indie rock.Being as I am in the Arcade Fire, I prickle a little bit at your statement that “f there is a trace of soul, blues, reggae, or funk in Arcade Fire, it must be philosophical; it certainly isn’t audible…