
Tickets for Caspian, Holy Fawn & Haybaby in NYC on BrooklynVegan presale (password here)

Tickets for the Caspian, Holy Fawn, and Haybaby show at Brooklyn Made go on BrooklynVegan presale today (8/26) at noon. PASSWORD = BrooklynVegan. If you miss out on today’s presale, you can try again for tickets when the public on-sale begins Friday (8/27) at 10 AM.

All upcoming tour dates and more info here.

Caspian also recently reissued some older albums, including You Are The Conductor, The Four Trees, and Tertia, all three of which you can pick up in our store.

30 Essential Songs from the Shoegaze / Heavy Crossover

Listen and/or subscribe to our playlist of all 30 songs: